Test Engineer
Lokalita: Brno
Druh úvazku:
Plný úvazek
Požadované vzdělání:
7. 3. 2022
O společnosti
Jsme součást Belgické bankovní a pojišťovací skupiny KBC Group a v Brně poskytujeme podporu pro vybrané členy této skupiny
Věnujeme se komlexní oblasti zpracování plateb, finančních trhů, cenných papírů, pojišťovnictví,…
Zabýváme se také oblastí IT – testování bankovních aplikací nebo automatizaci procesů
Více než 1200 zaměstnanců/open space/flexible seating /neformální prostředí
Komunikujeme v anglickém jazyce
Jsme BACK OFFICE, žádné call centrum :-)
Popis pozice
Would you like to enter the world of IT and work on products which are being used by more than 3 million users? Are you a "what will happen if I press this button" kind of person?
Join us in Testing HUB Brno!
We are a friendly group of enthusiastic people that are testing banking applications for the KBC international banking group
Your responsibilities:
- E2E testing processes (from analysis of documentation to test execution);
- reporting to partners and managers;
- defect management;
- daily involvement in scrum teams.
Co hledáme
We expect:
- basic awareness of testing processes or other areas of ICT (e.g. development life cycle, trends in testing and its role in society, etc.);
- interest in IT technologies;
- proficiency in English (daily spoken and written communication with our partners);
- analytical thinking.
Co nabízíme
We offer:
- modern working environment;
- partial home office;
- financial bonus every half year;
- testing on Windows, Mac OS, browsers, smartphones, tablets or even smart wearables;
- possibility of 80% contract.
Other benefits:
- Multisport card fully covered by employer;
- meal voucher card;
- Cafeteria benefit system;
- discounted mobile tariffs;
- unlimited access to Seduo and LinkedIn courses;
- contribution by employer to life and pension insurance;
- fruit days in winter, ice cream days in summer;
- special offers for ČSOB products (e.g. mortgage, accounts, investments);
- 3 My Days (extra holiday), 1 volunteer day (during working day);
- flexible working time within office hours.
By applying for this position, you hereby confirm that you possess all necessary permissions to stay and work in the Czech Republic.